Saturday, January 1, 2011

Chicken Biryani

Non-vegs..Here you Go!!. First recipe for this New Year. 


5 big tblsp of ghee
3 cups basmati  rice
6  medium sized onions sliced
6 meidum sized tomatoes  chopped
1 big piece ginger
25 garlic cloves
2 green chillies
2 cup corainder leaves
1/2 cup pudina leaves (make paste) (not compulsory)
1 smal tblsp red chilli powder
1/2 tblsp turmeric powder
chicken 3/4 kg
2 stick dalchini
10 small elaichi
5 cloves
10 peppercorn
1 big elaichi
2 bay leaves


Make paste of coriander leaves,pudina,green chillies,ginger and garlic.

Heat ghee in pan, add onions, fry for 15 mins till its turns transparent. Add tomatoes cook well for 15 mins. Add the garam masala(cloves,elaichi,pepper,dalchini,bay leaves). Fry for 2 mins. Add the green paste, haldi, chilli powder. Cook for 5 mins. Add the washed chicken. Cook the chicken well.

cook the rice seperately with salt and 2 bay leaves.

In a vessel first add a layer of rice and some ghee followed by a layer of gravy. Follow the process for the entire rice and gravy.

Biryani is ready : )


One of my uncle has shared this recipe..

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